On February 2, 2011 Mark Mackey, Edmond Flores Jr. and Brett Coronado were arrested on the sidewalk in front of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in
When questioned on what grounds they were being arrested, the arresting officer, Darren Meyer said; “Absolutely, you were asked to leave and didn’t”. Not realizing that being on a public sidewalk was unlawful the men continued to quarry the grounds for the arrest asking what law they had broken. Officer Meyer offered no further explanation for the arrest.
Later that day the men were charged with suspicion of trespassing and interfering with public business.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
The video clip only shows the arrest of shows Mark Mackey. Edmond Flores and Brett Coronado were arrested shortly afterward.
April 29, 2011 Advocates for Faith and Freedom, representing the three men, filed a federal lawsuit against the California Highway Patrol claiming their freedoms of speech and religion were infringed upon when they were arrested while preaching outside the local Department of Motor Vehicles office. Attorney Jennifer Monk is confident that this is a clear case of viewpoint discrimination, only because it's a religious message.
How To Do Good Works That Please God
9 years ago