Dear concerned citizen,
As you may have heard, Congress has not yet introduced the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). That's because the pro-abortion forces have heard your voice. Planned Parenhood President Cecile Richards told the Wall Street Journal:
"We're going to be smart and strategic about our policy agenda to bring people together to make progress for women's health. The Freedom of Choice Act is very important . . . but we have a long list of things to get done that I think can address problems immediately that women are facing, that are really immediate concerns."
In other words, because of the more than 650,000 people like you who have stood up to Fight FOCA, pro-abortion forces are focusing on another tactic for now -- FOCA-by-Stealth.
They want to try to pass pieces of FOCA under your nose. The first target is your pocketbook.
The top priority for Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies is to repeal the laws that prohibit federal funding of abortion. Often called pro-life "riders," the pro-abortion forces want House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to eliminate them and start using our tax dollars to pay for abortion-on-demand . . . nationwide.
Thankfully, a bi-partisan group of Members of Congress are standing up to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood (who used to work for Speaker Pelosi). A letter to Speaker Pelosi written by Republican Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio and Democrat Congressman Heath Schuler of North Carolina is being circulated for signatures by Members of Congress.
Please ask your member of Congress to sign the Jordan/Schuler letter.
Just click this link.
The deadline is this Friday, February 13.
Yours for Life,

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
AUL ActionThe Legislative Arm of Americans United for Life
P.S. -- A PDF of the letter is available at the AUL Action blog. Please ask your member of Congress to sign it before Friday!
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