Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic with an extensive background in economics contends that those who propagate global-warming hysteria are like the communists of old Europe. “Like global-warming alarmists”, he stated, “the communists did not listen to opposing views.”
Klaus, who also serves a president of the European Union, said “Their true plans and ambitions: to stop economic development and return mankind centuries back,” he declared. “It is evident that the environmentalists don’t want to change the climate. They want to change our behavior. Their ambition is to control and manipulate us.”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology meteorology professor Richard Lindzen, who also addressed the conference on Sunday, said that many of his colleagues simply accepted the man-made global warming theory because it made their professional lives easier.
“The process of co-opting science on behalf of a political movement has had an extraordinarily corrupting influence on science -- especially since the issue has been a major motivation for funding,” Lindzen explained.
There are a number of questions that we need to seek answers for to add clarity to the issue of climate change. In his address to the conference Vaclav Klaus stated, “The questions which need to be answered are serious and non-trivial. Should we make radical decisions now? Should we tax today’s generations to benefit future generations? Should we be generously altruistic? Should we give preference to future generations and not to the people living in undeveloped countries today? My answer is no.”
My resounding question is; will the politics of man-made global warming prevail over legitimate scientific research? Considering the current political and economic climate, my optimism wanes.
Read more – CNSNews.com source article…
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