Principle #1 of the Judeo-Christian Ethic
—The Dignity of Human Life
“The Scriptures emphatically teach the great importance of the respect and preservation of human life. In the Declaration of Independence our nation’s Founding Fathers wrote that everyone has ‘unalienable rights,’ and that among these rights are ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ We Americans not only believe this for our land, but also we send our brave military men and women around the world to defend the rights of those who are threatened.—The Dignity of Human Life
If people and nations do not grant ultimate respect and protection to both the born and the unborn, all other professed morals and values are meaningless. The dignity of human life is not just a principle of the Bible—it is the first principle of any civilized society.”---The American Patriot’s Bible
Susan G Komen for the Cure is the giant among breast cancer foundations with chapters in every state and 13 foreign countries. Each chapter organizes community partnerships and fundraisers. They sponsor a variety of events, from bowling to cooking to golfing and driving. They are most well known for their Race for the Cure.
- Public records indicate that Susan G. Komen for the Cure affiliates (Missouri is not among them) provided grants to local Planned Parenthood chapters for breast health care services
- The Komen website dismisses the link between procured abortion and increased risk of breast cancer. However, multiple studies invalidate a dismissal of the link.
- Komen endorses embryonic stem cell research, which requires the destruction of embryonic human life

With this in mind we must seriously consider whether we a glorifying our Lord – Christ Jesus when we participate in and contribute to organizations which disregard the life of the unborn to advance their own cause. Honorable it may be, but not when innocent life is sacrificed and known risk factors are ignored.
Susan G Komen for the Cure sponsors fund raising events across the nation throughout the year. I encourage readers to be wise stewards and share this information with others in your community.
For anyone who wishes to donate to breast cancer research, or to support awareness, there are a number of lesser known foundations that are Pro-Life and do not support the destruction of human embryos used for research:
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer Research
Click below to read about Heidi Floyd, a survivor who was diagnosed with breast cancer in her first trimester and chose to give her baby life even though her doctor told her an abortion was her only option.
Breast Cancer Prevention Institute
Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer (ABC)
To check to see where and when Susan G Komen for the Cure sponsors a fundraising event in your area and to see some of their corporate sponsors follow the link below
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