It is important for Christians to know the differences between Truth, Belief and Conviction.
Truth may never be sacrificed. All truth is from God because God is Truth. Some people call this absolute Truth but I consider that redundant. An example of Truth is that God revealed Himself (incarnate) to man in the person of Christ Jesus The Messiah.
Belief is personal based on understanding of Biblical Truth. An example of belief is that some believe in baptism by sprinkling and others by immersion.
Conviction is imparted to individuals by the Holy Spirit. An example of conviction might be choosing a job or move (life choices).
Genuine belief and conviction will never be in contradiction to Truth. Furthermore authentic Christians will never demand that someone else must have the same belief & conviction to be Saved.
It is unfortunate that we spend precious time arguing that our belief or conviction is Truth and that all must comply to be granted salvation. It is on these two items that Christians must learn to agree to disagree and get on with the greater command of Kingdom building. Making disciples that are capable of carrying out the Great Commission.
How To Do Good Works That Please God
9 years ago
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