Crawford Loritts | Legacy Moment
Karen and I have some friends who had a tree fall on the power lines that connected to their house. It was a really a bad storm that came through, and when the tree fell down it knocked out everything. They had no electricity for several days. What an inconvenience! Everything came to a standstill. Well, in a few days the tree was cut down and removed, the wires were fixed, and the power was turned on, but they were reminded through that experience that without power, life slows WAY down.
That’s true in our personal lives, too, isn't it? I am talking about our walk with Christ. Without genuine, legitimate, authentic, supernatural power, our Christianity is at a standstill. As Christians, we have this power Source. He is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.
Listen to Romans 8: 11. "If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he (that is the Holy Spirit) who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also (listen to this line) give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you." The source of life, the source of energy, so to speak, the power
of the Christian life, is found in our relationship to the Holy Spirit. He lives inside of us. But unfortunately, too many of us ignore His presence. It’s the role of the Holy Spirit to give us life, to combat the pull of death that is all around us.
Here's what I want you to remember today. Don't be afraid of the Holy Spirit. He’s your Friend, your Ally. Most importantly, He’s your power source. There’s no need for the lights to go out in your spiritual life. Get plugged in. Ask God to fill you, to control you by His Holy Spirit. Then watch Him shine through your life.
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