By T.M. Moore | Published Date: September 05, 2011
He accepted neither indifference nor heresy.
Dallán Forgaill, Amra Choluimb Chille (Irish, 7th century)
Dallán Forgaill, Amra Choluimb Chille (Irish, 7th century)
We destroy arguments and every loft opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ... 2 Corinthians 10:5
Zealous for truth
Colum Cille, the great 6th century Irish missionary/scholar, was known by all to be zealous for truth. By some accounts, it was his love for the Gospel that got him exiled from Ireland. As an aspiring monk he made a copy of a gospel book and refused to give it up when he was discovered. The local magistrate got involved, and Colum was required to forfeit his treasure (since it was not lawful for monks-in-training to own property). The subsequent melee which Colum initiated left him humiliated and disciplined – sent packing from Ireland.
Colum Cille, the great 6th century Irish missionary/scholar, was known by all to be zealous for truth. By some accounts, it was his love for the Gospel that got him exiled from Ireland. As an aspiring monk he made a copy of a gospel book and refused to give it up when he was discovered. The local magistrate got involved, and Colum was required to forfeit his treasure (since it was not lawful for monks-in-training to own property). The subsequent melee which Colum initiated left him humiliated and disciplined – sent packing from Ireland.
He sailed to Iona and climbed the highest hill to make sure he could no longer see Ireland. Then he wept. But then he got busy. He studied the Word of God exhaustively. He learned the great works of His Christian forebears. He mastered the Law of God. He became the greatest missionary trainer of his generation.
But he was not zealous merely to know the truth. He lived it, and he taught it, and he caused everyone who came into his presence to deal with the truth, for many of them, as they’d never had to before. In Colum’s company no one was allowed either to misrepresent the truth or to ignore it, as Dallán makes clear in his lamentation.
Colum would not abide heresy. He would challenge it, expose its falsehoods, and assert the truth of God against it. Neither could he abide indifference – not when truth could be known. He made people make up their minds about the truth. In Column’s presence, amid a discussion of just about anything, one could not simply plead, “No opinion.” He made you think. He led you to reason. He insisted that people confront and respond to the truth.
Colum was a very serious Christian. He understood that only the truth can set us free, and he worked in all his ministry to ensure that those in his charge dealt with the truth, understood the truth, taught and proclaimed the truth, and lived in the truth every day of their lives.
And us?
What about us? Are we serious about the truth? Or do we simply stand by as people rattle off the most ridiculous, absurd, or inane positions about this, that, or the other? The Word of God speaks to every area of human life and interest. Nothing can come up in any conversation concerning which God does not have a Word of truth to offer.
And He has commissioned us to set forth His truth in every situation.
The extent to which our society is awash in lies, deceit, and half-truths is becoming clearer each day. Where are the bearers of truth in this thicket of lies? Who will challenge the heresies – every false worldview – and who will confront the indifferent, so that they at least have the opportunity to hear the truth? Who, like Colum, will cherish the truth so much that he is willing to risk his personal wellbeing to own and establish it?
This is our calling, friends, just as it was Colum Cille’s. The people to whom God sends us each day need to hear His truth. If we’re serious about the truth, we will press it upon them with grace, but also with urgency.
Only the truth can set people free from sin and the Lie. Christ would have all men be taken captive by His grace, for His truth, and unto His glory. And He has sent us, as He was sent, and as He commissioned Colum Cille, to pursue this mission day by day.
You and I bear God’s truth in earthen vessels. But, earthen vessels though we be, let us bear and distribute the truth with confidence, challenging the heretic and the indifferent alike, to consider the truth that is in Jesus.
Because only the truth can set us free.

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