Oct 12, 2011

The Supreme Birth Announcement

Conservatives won a major victory in an arena that hasn't always been kind to the traditional family: the courts. Earlier this year, in the state of Louisiana, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had weighed in on a decision with big implications for the definition of marriage.

A same-sex couple had been issued a birth certificate in New York that listed both partners as parents which, of course, is biologically impossible. When the men moved to Louisiana, they demanded that the local registrar give them a duplicate certificate. The registrar refused, pointing out that such a request would violate state law. In response, the homosexuals sued the state to force the recognition of their relationship on an official government document.

Although they won in the lower court, a majority of the full Fifth Circuit (with 16 judges sitting in on appeal) overturned the decision and upheld Louisiana's adoption law. They agreed that the statutes are reasonable means of promoting a stable and nurturing environment for children.

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court turned let the decision stand. By refusing to hear the case, the justices dealt a big blow to the Left's hopes of changing the rules of adoption and the mother-father norm.


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