“Keep them and do them, for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who, when they hear all these statutes, will say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”
Deuteronomy 4:6

A second means by which we must make our case for the Kingdom is by publishing the Christian worldview through every available means. This does not require that we all become authors of best-selling books. That’s simply not going to happen. But never before has so much opportunity been available to affect the thinking of so many people by sharing the written word. Through local media, the Internet, and social networking we may expect to influence many for the Kingdom of God whom we will never be able to talk with face to face.
Here is a second area where every Christian can play an active role in making the case for the Christian worldview. In our day there is no shortage of media through which we can employ the written word to challenge the secular mindset and propose our Christian alternative. Local newspapers still receive occasional op/ed pieces as well as letters to the editor. Even national journals of opinion will publish letters that are concise, considerate, and well-written. There is plenty of help to be found on the Internet concerning how to craft an effective op/ed piece or letter to the editor. By engaging local papers and other journals and periodicals, we can help to make the case for a Christian worldview, if only with those who screen such missives.
But by far the greatest medium through which believers can make the case for the Kingdom of God is the Internet. Websites abound where Kingdom citizens can comment on contemporary issues, moral concerns, matters of belief, and ethics. Opportunities can be easily found for becoming involved in blogging conversations in which we may set forth our Scriptural views.
Moreover, many websites exist in which questions of public policy and similar concerns are given thoughtful consideration by Christian thinkers. Articles from these websites relating to public policy matters can be downloaded and copied or simply emailed to friends. We should always make sure to follow-up on any emailed articles, or articles copied and distributed, with a view to engaging in conversation over the issue examined.
Believers should not be reluctant to post their own thoughts about worldview issues – on their own websites, through email, or for discussion in small groups – and thus to encourage conversation that can affect what people believe and how they live.
No one is going to publish our Christian worldview for us. But with email, blogging, social networking media, and other outlets ready to hand, it would be irresponsible for us not to employ every means for making our case on behalf of the Kingdom of God. When believers are not present in those settings, the spiral of silence rules. So let us determine that here, too, we will challenge the existing worldviews of the day and make our case for the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
Next steps: Ask some friends about good websites to visit where you can get involved in blogging about the Kingdom of God. Make a list of two or three points about the Kingdom you’d most like to share. Then visit those websites and join a conversation. Stay at it for a while until it’s clear you have begun to engage some readers. Let the Lord lead you from there.
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