While organizers have been busy chanting it is about economic & political equality the truth is slowly being revealed. Have you identified the primary message?
The one message that is consistent throughout is same sex partnership. Yes, the LGBT community has commandeered the movement to advance their agenda of normalizing sexual immorality under the banner of ‘Equality’.
Stephanie Donald of LGBT Today recently wrote;
"As far as allying the LGBT civil rights movement with the OWS movement, in the case of the OWS and union protesters in Washington State, the gay and lesbian alliance threw their whole-hearted support behind the union and OWS movement and this past week the executive board of the UFCW Local 21 has endorsed and petitioned the Washington State Legislature to pass marriage equality.
We’ve reached a point of critical mass with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The more opposition they encounter the more support the movement gets from people previously uninvolved. The Oakland, California debacle is turning out to be a disaster for the Police Chief and the Mayor and the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet with Governor Jerry Brown and I’m quite sure he will have something very biting to say about how the situation was handled."
Notice that there is no emphasis on economic or political equality. Notice that the LGBT community is being encouraged to resort to hostility in an effort to draw support from those on the sidelines who are unaware of the underlying LGBT agenda. Hostility and aggression, as demonstrated during the Proposition 8 vote in the 2008 California election, is a tactic that has become trademark of the more extreme and militant LGBT faction.
Is it about equality at all or is it about a very small minority forcing the normalization of immorality at society’s expense? Indeed, isn’t the LGBT community actually doing exactly what the OWS movement is supposedly protesting against – a few dictating to the masses?
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