Redefining Bullying By: Eric Metasxas
A few days ago, Americans got a lesson in hypocrisy -- and of how dangerous it can be to redefine words.
It all began when the National High School Journalism Conference
invited a gay rights activist named Dan Savage to speak to students in
Seattle about the need to prevent bullying. But it turned out that this
was a lesson Savage badly needed to learn himself.
To the shock of the students, Savage launched a vicious attack on the
Bible and Christian beliefs. As he put it, “We can learn to ignore the
[BS] in the Bible about gay people.” Of course he didn’t say "BS." As
Savage continued his attack, some students broke into tears. Dozens of
offended students walked out of the auditorium. As they left, Savage
heckled them with vulgar words I can’t repeat on the air.
One of the teachers present — Rick Tuttle of Sutter Union High School
in California — said the speech “took a real dark, hostile turn ... It
became very hostile toward Christianity.”
Savage later apologized for using vulgarity to describe the students.
But he refused to back down on his other comments —including his
offensive comments about the Bible.
Now, what are we to make of this conundrum?
First, I think we can safely assume that the term “bullying” has gone the way of “tolerance.”
Tolerance used to be defined as a willingness to put up with the beliefs or practices of those with whom we disagree. Today, tolerance means
we must accept the beliefs and practices of others as correct — or risk
being called a bigot. It's interesting that this redefinition of tolerance almost
always involves debates over homosexuality — and it always seems to be
people on just one side of the debate calling those with whom they
disagree “intolerant.”
I mean, when was the last time you heard a Christian accusing a
gay-rights activist of intolerance because he refused to acknowledge
that biblical teachings about homosexuality are correct?
And now we're seeing the same kind of redefinition going on regarding the word bullying. If
you so much as whisper that you believe that true marriage can take
place only between one man and one woman, you're accused of bullying.
You and I need to be aware of changes in word definitions that are
used as weapons against Christians. But we need to do a couple of other
things, as well.
First of all, whatever the subject, we must always take care to make
our case winsomely, and with great civility. No one should ever be able
to truthfully accuse Christians of bullying, including the kind of
verbal bullying Dan Savage demonstrated last week.
This insistence on graciousness and civility for those on the other
side of these issues was the hallmark of what Chuck Colson believed, and
let it be ours as well. As for intolerance towards homosexuals,
Christians ought to be — and often have been — the first to volunteer at
AIDS hospices, to demonstrate kindness to the children of same-sex
couples, and otherwise display the love of Christ to those with whom we
have such different views. In other words, we should demonstrate love
and true tolerance. In this way, as the Bible teaches, we heap ashes upon the heads of those who dislike us for our views.
Second we need to pray for people like Dan Savage — so filled with
anger and hurt — that their eyes would be opened to God's love and
mercy, just as we pray for our own loved ones.
Finally, three cheers for those high school students who refused to
sit still and listen to attacks on their faith. We should never be
bullied into silence.
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9 years ago
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