This isn’t political action, something which I grew weary of many years ago. I have signed many petitions in the hope of seeing political change, but have instead seen issues like homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography, blasphemy, violence, and abortion do nothing but escalate to epidemic proportions. Every four years there is excitement about Christian candidates, in the hope that these will be the ones who will turn our nation back to God. We have even tried to convince secular America that we were established as “one nation under God,” and they couldn’t care less.
But when we look at the Book of Acts—the blueprint of the Church--we don’t find a political agenda. As much as it is encouraging to see men of God in high political office, our agenda is primarily to preach the gospel to every creature, something we have, as a whole, failed to do. In his book, The Coming Revival, Bill Bright said that only 2% of the contemporary Church in America regularly share their faith with others. That means that 98% don’t.
The “180” video begins by addressing ignorance among students as to who Hitler was and what he believed, addresses the holocaust of abortion, and then it moves into a clear biblical gospel. This causes the hardest of hearts to do a complete 180. You see a blasphemous and hate-filled atheist change his mind about God, on-camera, as well as apathy in many others being replaced by deep concern about their own salvation. You see evangelism done as Jesus did it--the addressing of the human conscience, something that has been sadly lacking in much of modern evangelism.
This is why we are making the “180 Course” available in a few weeks. The two-part DVD with a 64-page Study Guide not only teaches Christians how to address the horror of abortion, but it teaches them how to share the biblical gospel. And it does so by using the main evangelism training lesson taken from our “Basic Training Course,” an 8-week DVD study commended by John MacArthur, Ravi Zacharias, and Josh McDowell. We have been working within the Church for many years by using the course to train people to share their faith, with more than 20,000 courses in use by churches and individuals. Evangelism is the heart and soul of our ministry because it is the heartbeat of Jesus Christ. Those who, like the apostle John, rest their head on the breast of the Savior hear that heartbeat.
A number of people have encouraged us to remove the Gospel from “180” and simply use it as a powerful tool in the fight against abortion. But an overweight, blind, and pregnant snail with chronic emphysema has more chance of getting across L.A.’s 405 freeway at peak traffic, than they have of getting the gospel removed from the video. Abortion is just one ugly branch on the evil Adamic tree. The gospel attacks the root, and the only hope for this dying Hell-bound world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to mobilize a lukewarm Church. Please help us to do that.
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Ray Comfort |
“As one who was scheduled to be aborted, this astounding video struck me at my core that this is needed more now than ever. It is more than powerful...it is a vehicle of God's voice to this generation, and must be seen!” ~ Ron DiCianni
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